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Dark Ciabatta - With green pea paste, smoked chicken and boiled egg

4 handfuls of frozen green peas
A pinch of garlic salt
4 quail eggs
150g smoked chicken
Some mint leaves

6 buns

Approximate cooking time 20 minutes.


1. Cut the bread into 1 cm thick slices and lightly toast.

2. Boil the peas for 6 minutes, add a pinch of garlic salt and squeeze with a fork or blend into a homogeneous mass.

3. Chop the chicken into long pieces or carefully cut into small pieces with a knife.

4. Boil quail eggs for 1.5-2 minutes and peel.

5. Place richly squeezed peas on the bun, placing halved quail eggs and smoked chicken pieces. Can be decorated with mint leaves.